I already described in Extend Modalities List in Orthanc Query/Retrieve Panel - #6 by Maksym_Kozub some potential problems with filtering. Now I have run into another problem. Some studies have more than one modality included. For example, in my personal database I have, among others, studies of the following types: “CT,PR”, “DX,PR”, “MR,PR”, and “CT,OT,PR” (in the latter case, OT is for a 3D reconstruction added to CT scans). Studies that include more than one modality are not shown in filtering results when selecting that modality. For example, if I want to see all CT scans and check “CT” in “Modalities in Study” column, I only see those studies where CT is the only modality type, and I do not see “CT,PR” and “CT,OT,PR” studies.
@alainmazy, I would appreciate any comments.
Hi Maksym,
Thanks for reporting the issue, I have fixed it in this commit: fix ModalitiesInStudy filtering + more modalities · orthanc-server/orthanc-explorer-2@f36e4eb · GitHub
Best regards,
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Thank you very much for fixing it so quickly, Alain.