Worklist Problem

Hello good day friends
i want to send modality worklist to this korean Viewrex software but my worklist always failing how to send worklist to this software ,i tried too much can someone help me please
i’m using dcmtk_dynamic.exe for create worklist and it works too many device but this Viewrex worklist not working
here is my Orthanc.json
here is my Worklist.json
and my Java worklist code is here
Download test worklist tool Viewrex


Solved : The problem was
0008,0000 dicom tag was not matching with viewrex worklist query

(0008,0000) UL 62 # 4, 1 GenericGroupLength

and fixed by this luascript query sorry my english is bad i cant explain good

here is the luascript query query.lua