Hi I don’t understand where to place the folder for the Worklist files on Windows. The WL file I’m sure is ok because from a server on Mac it works. On the Worklist.json file I tried to write:
Thanks for your answer
I continued the tests for recent days and I managed to make everything work.
I moved the Worklist setting to the Orthanc.json file and delete the Worklist.json file
From the log I understood that the right route was c:\\WorklistDatabase, for a folder on root, with two \ for reasons of character syntax
However, it was missing, that I had on the Mac version, this piece of code
// The list of the known DICOM modalities
"DicomModalities" : {
//Uncommenting the following line would enable Orthanc to
// connect to an instance of the "storescp" open-source DICOM
// store (shipped in the DCMTK distribution) started by the
//command line "storescp 2000".
“SERVERldDICOM" : [ “ServerdDICOM", "", 4042 ]
Here is the Worklist part
"Worklists" : {
"Enable": true,
"Database": "C:\\WorklistDatabase", // Path to the folder with the worklist files
"FilterIssuerAet": false, // Some modalities do not specify 'ScheduledStationAETitle (0040,0001)'
// in the C-Find and may receive worklists not related to them. This option
// adds an extra filtering based on the AET of the modality issuing the C-Find.
"LimitAnswers": 0 // Maximum number of answers to be returned (new in release 1.7.3)
Is your problem creating WL files or let them read?
What I described and “make them visible” to Orthanc the WL files. Then the medical appliance with an interface dicom defined by the manufacturer “comes to read them”. I didn’t know how to make files to Orthanc.
Hi, I create the TXT files with FILKEMAKER of patients set in the day who have a performance that provides for the use of the tools connected to the DICOM. Then via Applescript I perform the conversion to WL from dump2dcm from the terminal and then move to the DICOM folder. For the user all this is a “Send Work List of today” button.