Worklist folder position on Windows

Hi I don’t understand where to place the folder for the Worklist files on Windows. The WL file I’m sure is ok because from a server on Mac it works. On the Worklist.json file I tried to write:

"Worklists": {
         "Enable": True,
         "Database": "C:\\Orthanc\\WorklistDatabase"


"Worklists": {
         "Enable": True,
         "Database": "/Orthanc/WorklistDatabase"

but it does not work
Thanks Corrado

Why don’t you check your logs ?

And possibly share them if you don’t find anything …

Thanks for your answer
I continued the tests for recent days and I managed to make everything work.
I moved the Worklist setting to the Orthanc.json file and delete the Worklist.json file
From the log I understood that the right route was c:\\WorklistDatabase, for a folder on root, with two \ for reasons of character syntax
However, it was missing, that I had on the Mac version, this piece of code

// The list of the known DICOM modalities            
                            "DicomModalities" : {            
                               //Uncommenting the following line would enable Orthanc to            
                                  // connect to an instance of the "storescp" open-source DICOM            
                                   // store (shipped in the DCMTK distribution) started by the            
                                   //command line "storescp 2000".            
                     “SERVERldDICOM" : [ “ServerdDICOM", "", 4042 ]            

Here is the Worklist part

"Worklists" : {
    "Enable": true,
    "Database": "C:\\WorklistDatabase",  // Path to the folder with the worklist files

    "FilterIssuerAet": false, // Some modalities do not specify 'ScheduledStationAETitle (0040,0001)'
                              // in the C-Find and may receive worklists not related to them.  This option
                              // adds an extra filtering based on the AET of the modality issuing the C-Find.
    "LimitAnswers": 0  // Maximum number of answers to be returned (new in release 1.7.3)

Dear is there any plan to create work list files via the api?

Dear odaroc
Can you share with us some sample worklist txt and the actual worklist files with us ?

Is your problem creating WL files or let them read?
What I described and “make them visible” to Orthanc the WL files. Then the medical appliance with an interface dicom defined by the manufacturer “comes to read them”. I didn’t know how to make files to Orthanc.

Maybe some day but not in a near future.


You could create a plugin to this end. The Orthanc Book contains an example in Python.


Hi, I create the TXT files with FILKEMAKER of patients set in the day who have a performance that provides for the use of the tools connected to the DICOM. Then via Applescript I perform the conversion to WL from dump2dcm from the terminal and then move to the DICOM folder. For the user all this is a “Send Work List of today” button.