Windows 10 & ipsec vpn


I am trying to get orthanc on a Windows 10 system to transmit dicom
files via windows vpn ipsec tunnel to our radiologist.

I have been able to establish the tunnel with the radiologist without
difficulty before I have orthanc installed. However, after I install
orthanc using Orthancinstaller-Win64-18.7.1.exe on the Windows 10
system I am no longer able to connect to the radiologists VPN. I get
the following error message :

"The remove connection was not made because the attempted VPN tunnesl
failed. The VPN server might be unreaschable. If this connection is
attempting to use an L2TP/IPsec tunnel, the security parameters requird
for the IPsec negotiation might not be configured properly. "

I am using Windows 10 on a kvm Centos 7.5 hypervisor, and have
reinstalled Windows twice now. Each time I can access the VPN before I
have installed Orthanc, but after the Orthanc installation I am unable
to establish the VPN.

Orthanc works impressively well on the Windows 10 system, but I surely
need some help in getting the VPN to work. This problem appears to be
reproducible. The only app that I have installed after the 'Fresh
Start' execution was orthanc; I had not even changed the firewall.

Does anyone have any ideas for a solution?

Your help would be appreciated !!!

Greg Ennis

I know of some VPN clients that use the same ports as Orthanc:

Try to check which ports are being used by your VPN before you install Orthanc or try to configure Orthanc to use other ports.


Thanks for the help, my problem with the vpn on the Windows 10 machine is that it is intermittent. I have even turned off the firewall to see if that made a difference. It did make a difference and I was allowed to connect, but after one reboot the vpn failed to connect again.

As written by Alain, please try with another DICOM port than the default 4242, which is the one used by some VPN clients (notably Juniper).

Change the “DicomPort” configuration option: