I am having a hard time locating the default orthanc logs, per instructions in the book https://book.orthanc-server.com/faq/log.html, the logs should be generated when Orthanc starts in /var/log/orthanc/.
I could not find any file starting with “Orthanc.log.*” either.
Just to add more information, I am running orthanc on Debian and the path /var/log/orthanc is never created after I start orthanc (tried with and without sudo). I created the directory on the path in case it was not writing due to permissions, but no log files appear. I need just the default logs, not the full logs generated with --verbose. Am I missing something?
How are you starting Orthanc? The logs go to stdout unless you pass --logdir= to the executable. In the debian package the service installed uses that convention to use /var/log/orthanc, but if you’re starting Orthanc without the service, maybe the logs are not on that directory.
Got it to work with your hint, thanks! I was not running the service, I was starting it manually and you are right, it doesn’t know the default path until you pass one.