What type is the return of HttpPost?

I’m using this code to get the dicom file :

local dicom = RestApiGet(“/instances/” … instanceId … “/file”)

What exactly is dicom in this case? A string?

I can write the dicom file to some other location, with this code :

– Write to the file
local target = assert(io.open(path … “/” … instanceId … “.dcm”, “wb”))

I can send the dicom to some express api, when I just send the dicom, like :

local answer = HttpPost(url, dicom, headers)

BUT, it seems that I can’t wrap the dicom object into a more complex string/object, this code doesn’t work :

local query =
‘{ “query”: “mutation ($file: Upload!, $tags: [String!]) { upload(file: $file, tags: $tags) { uuid filename status datasets { uuid uri layers { name shape } } } }”, “variables”: { “file”: null, “tags”: [“auto-sync”] } }’
local payload = {
[“operations”] = query,
[“map”] = ‘{ “0”: [“variables.file”] }’,
[“0”] = dicom


local answer = HttpPost(graphqlURL, DumpJson(payload, true), headers)

In general, I can’t print the content of dicom…

Is is possible to get the 3 snippet working?



Regarding the first part of your question, the result of “HttpPost()” is a binary string in Lua:

Regarding the second part of your question, “the JSON format natively doesn’t support binary data. The binary data has to be escaped so that it can be placed into a string element (i.e. zero or more Unicode chars in double quotes using backslash escapes) in JSON. An obvious method to escape binary data is to use Base64.”


Thanks for the quick reply and the clarifications about the binary string.

Unfortunately, I can’t modify the server I’m sending the dicom to, so if I encode the dicom into base64, it will not decode it… Is it possible to do multipart/form-data with the HttpPost?

Yes, this should be possible in Lua. Give a try.