What the best NAS for Orthanc?

Hi my friends, im looking for test orthanc on a NAS. What the best? Truenas scale, Synology, Openmediavault? Is possible install orthanc in truenas scale(linux) via apt install and change the storage for the samba raid storage ? There is any tutorial for install orthanc via docker on truenas scale, synology or Openmediavault?
Best Regards,

I will start by saying that I personally did not use Orthanc with any NAS (you are forewarned!), but I see that somebody developed an Ansible playbook to automate Orthanc setup on Synology: https://github.com/levinalex/orthanc-synology-ansible-example.

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Hi Gabriel,

You can definitely run Orthanc on a NAS through Docker.

My preference goes for Synology, but I’ve already played with a well working setup made with Openmediavault.

Check before buying that the NAS is able to run Docker…


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