WADO-RS Rendered response


We are working on implementing WADO-RS and have some questions.

Referring to the DICOM Standard Part 18, 2022b, WADO-RS Rendered/Thumbnail resource payloads are described as follows: Rendered Resource Payload​
The payload for a Rendered Resource (see Section shall contain a rendering of all valid Instances of the Composite SOP​ classes for which conformance is claimed, e.g., origin server shall be able to render all Photometric Interpretations that are defined​ in the IOD for that SOP class. The content type of the response payload shall be a Rendered Media Type.​ Thumbnail Resource Payload​
The payload for a Thumbnail Resource (see Section shall contain a meaningful representation in a Rendered Media Type.​ The origin server will determine what constitutes a meaningful representation. The Thumbnail shall not contain any Patient Identifying​ Information. Only a single image shall be returned.​

Here, I guess that WADO-RS Thumbnail returns ONLY ONE image, even if a study has 100 images and /studies/{StudyInstanceUID>/thumbnail was called.

However, /studies/{StudyInstanceUID}/rendered is called, I think we need to respond with 100 rendered images in 100 multipart messages, with headers like multipart/related; type=image/jpeg? Is my understanding correct?

But, when I try to call the Orthanc server, it returns only one image with headers like image/jpeg. Am I missing something? Or do they have some bugs?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Samuel,

Indeed, your understanding seems correct (at least, I have the same understanding) so this can be considered as a bug.

I’ve added a TODO to handle it (no idea when this will be done).

Best regards,


Hi Alain,

If my and your understanding is correct, I feel we should send the request with the Accept header ‘multipart/related; type=image/jpeg’, not just simple ‘image/jpeg’, to get multiple rendered resources in response.
But in DICOM Standards I couldn’t find anything about requesting rendered resources with ‘Accept: multipart/related; type=xxx’ header. It seems that the DICOM Standards in this section were not written very clear.

What do you think of this?


2022년 8월 29일 월요일 오후 11시 52분 41초 UTC+9에 alain…@osimis.io님이 작성:

Yes, your proposal makes sense. I’ll check in details when working on this.