I'm auditioning Orthanc + WADO, after setting up the plugin "OrthancDicomWeb-0.1.dll" in the config file and restart the Orthanc, by calling the URI below he returned to DICOM image ... Fantastico!
But that's the only URI that works ... If I remove part of the URI keeping only "studyUID" he deveri not return all of the studies?
But the goal is to integrate Orthanc with a viewer that supports WADO communication ... but for this viewer can locate the "objectUID" he did not need to make another query that returns the "patients" -> "studies" -> "series" -> "objects" ???
As this consultation work? Already I consulted the specification often and I can not understand.
WADO (now referred to as WADO-URI) only enables the display of one single image in a Web browser.
Roughly speaking, WADO-URI is a specification to render one single DICOM file as a JPEG image using the HTTP protocol. Your example is a WADO-URI request. As a consequence, WADO-URI does not work on a full study of medical images. Note that a description of WADO-URI is available at the following location: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/797118/Implementing-a-WADO-Server-using-Orthanc
If you need to do more that simply rendering a single image, you will have to resort to the more advance DICOMweb protocol, that is also supported by the plugin: http://dicomweb.hcintegrations.ca/#/home
With QIDO-RS, you will be able to locate the patients/studies/series of interest, and with WADO-RS, you will be able to download the DICOM images that are associated with these resources.
As written previously, the “/wado” URI corresponds to the WADO-URI point of access. This “/wado” URI only gives access to one single JPEG image, which is not your use case.