WADO Request


I'm auditioning Orthanc + WADO, after setting up the plugin "OrthancDicomWeb-0.1.dll" in the config file and restart the Orthanc, by calling the URI below he returned to DICOM image ... Fantastico!


But that's the only URI that works ... If I remove part of the URI keeping only "studyUID" he deveri not return all of the studies?

But the goal is to integrate Orthanc with a viewer that supports WADO communication ... but for this viewer can locate the "objectUID" he did not need to make another query that returns the "patients" -> "studies" -> "series" -> "objects" ???

As this consultation work? Already I consulted the specification often and I can not understand.

Sorry ignorance.

Thank you!

Dear Marcelo,

WADO (now referred to as WADO-URI) only enables the display of one single image in a Web browser.

Roughly speaking, WADO-URI is a specification to render one single DICOM file as a JPEG image using the HTTP protocol. Your example is a WADO-URI request. As a consequence, WADO-URI does not work on a full study of medical images. Note that a description of WADO-URI is available at the following location:

If you need to do more that simply rendering a single image, you will have to resort to the more advance DICOMweb protocol, that is also supported by the plugin:

The full DICOMweb spec (that is made of WADO-URI, WADO-RS, QIDO-RS and STOW-RS) is available at the following location:

With QIDO-RS, you will be able to locate the patients/studies/series of interest, and with WADO-RS, you will be able to download the DICOM images that are associated with these resources.


Hello Sébastien,
Thank you for your help!

The DICOMweb plugin is already installed, the links were very enlightening, but arises another doubt as search parameter what should I use?


ID = 35e8e518-d1ec6490-aa61885e-1fe5ff3f

Should not be?

StudyInstanceUID = 1.2.840.113745.101000.1008000.38046.4274.5925160

In this case the URI would be:


But returns:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <item>52e28c1f-35e8e518-d1ec6490-aa61885e-1fe5ff3f</ item>

Where am I going wrong?

Another issue is that the plugin sets up a root "/wado" in the Orthanc configuration file, this root should not be used in the URI?

Thank you!


With your URL, you are not calling the DICOMweb API but the Orthanc API. You must add the “/dicom-web/” prefix.

Here is the proper WADO-RS request:

curl http://localhost:8042/dicom-web/studies/1.2.840.113745.101000.1008000.38046.4274.5925160

As written previously, the “/wado” URI corresponds to the WADO-URI point of access. This “/wado” URI only gives access to one single JPEG image, which is not your use case.


Hello Sébastien,


Now worked perfectly!

Thank you!