Volview shows access denied on OE 2

Hello everyone

So have been having this issue for sometime with volview plugin.

Here is my current Setup

With this setup i get this access denied page from

Am trying to figure out what exactly is wrong


First of all, the ../volview/.. urls are not allowed in the auth plugin default configuration.

Then, anyway, to my knowledge, VolView does not support token based authentication.


Thanks @alainmazy

So i raised an issue about this with the kitware team, here is what they have to say.

Can you provide guidance with 1,2 ?

Done: issue with token Authentication for ORTHANC · Issue #689 · Kitware/VolView · GitHub

I have also prepared the work in the auth-plugin: orthanc-authorization: 88ba174ff553

And filed an issue for further upgrade of the auth-service and OE2: Add support for Volview · Issue #24 · orthanc-team/orthanc-auth-service · GitHub


Ok thanks, @alainmazy

Will keep track of the issue.


Tokens have been included. You can test now.