Hello everyone
So have been having this issue for sometime with volview plugin.
Here is my current Setup
With this setup i get this access denied page from
Am trying to figure out what exactly is wrong
Hello everyone
So have been having this issue for sometime with volview plugin.
Here is my current Setup
With this setup i get this access denied page from
Am trying to figure out what exactly is wrong
First of all, the ../volview/..
urls are not allowed in the auth plugin default configuration.
Then, anyway, to my knowledge, VolView does not support token based authentication.
Thanks @alainmazy
So i raised an issue about this with the kitware team, here is what they have to say.
Can you provide guidance with 1,2 ?
Done: issue with token Authentication for ORTHANC · Issue #689 · Kitware/VolView · GitHub
I have also prepared the work in the auth-plugin: orthanc-authorization: 88ba174ff553
And filed an issue for further upgrade of the auth-service and OE2: Add support for Volview · Issue #24 · orthanc-team/orthanc-auth-service · GitHub
Ok thanks, @alainmazy
Will keep track of the issue.
Tokens have been included. You can test now.