Using Orthanc as an Intermediary System

Hi All,

I’m very new to this and have limited training/experience with PACS. Our hospital here in Vanuatu was recently expanded by JICA who installed a Konica Minolta Acies PACS with 5 client workstations (Also running Acies software). Due to the layout of the hospital, several doctors have asked is we can get more client workstations in the wards to make diagnoses quicker and easier.

After some investigation and talking to K-M, getting additional client stations setup with Acies is prohibitively expensive. My theory then is to use RadiAnt DICOM viewer acting as a Q/R-SCU so that doctors can at least view and manipulate images from other locations. Verified this works with Acies, but Acies is restricted to 5 external viewers (using Q/R-SCU) and we are wanting at least 8.

So, to my question - is it possible to setup Orthanc Server to act as a Q/R-SCU to get images from the Acies server and then have it as a Q/R-SCP for the images to be transferred to RadiAnt on client workstations? Thus we only use up 1 of the ‘external viewer’ spots on the Acies server, but can connect up all 8 RadiAnt workstations to Orthanc.

RadiAnt has been chosen as a viewer since it’s familiar to the Radiology staff (they’ve been using the trial version for some time now offline).

I’ve attached a pdf of my idea (I find this easier to follow).

Thanks in advance for your help.


Proposed setup with Orthanc and RadiAnt.pdf (104 KB)

A better solution could be trash the ACIES PACS and only use OrthanC …

I don’t undestand (not other reason than $$), why all manufactures of Modalities, insists on their PACS licences … when a PACS it’s little more than a ‘network storate unit’.

Also, if for some ‘strange’ reason, you must go on with the ACIES PACS, you could add OrthanC as a ‘client’ … and with a simple script retrieve the studies from the ACIES to the OrthanC … but I think it’s far easier to remove the ACIES PACS.


Thanks for the reply. I agree about the PACS licensing - seems to be that way for just about all medical software though.

While I would like to remove the Acies system and just run Orthanc, I’m a little concerned that my software/networking skills are not quite up to the task and I don’t want to disrupt what is (although relatively small) pretty much the only radiography department in the country for locals. So I want to keep the Acies in place so there’s no disruption to services (and staff are already very familiar with its operation) and install Orthanc server either alongside on the server machine or on one of the client machines and then viewers connect to that (probably installing on a couple to allow some redundancy).

If anyone can offer some advice on how to do this and whether having Orthanc Q/R from Acies and then act as a server for Viewers (RadiAnt) will work would be appreciated.
