User access according to institution name


I have different institutions sending to my Orthanc Server and i have different staff needing to access patients from separate institutions.

Please advise if it is possible to create different users and each user can only have access to their institution information as per attachment.



Hi Magesh,

This feature is not available out of the box and this requires a bit of coding. But you are lucky, this sample setup does exactly what you mentioned.

Hope this helps,


Hi Alain,

Thank you for your reply.

I will test and advise.

Hi Alain,
I have the same need, but unfortunately if I click on the link you posted, I don’t find any sample. Can you check if it is still valid or if it has been moved?

Hi Lorenzo,

Here is the new link: orthanc-setup-samples/docker/access-control at master · orthanc-server/orthanc-setup-samples · GitHub

Note that, as of today, another option is to implement access control based on labels (see the auth-service project).

You would need a script to label incoming studies based on the InstitutionName and then, you can grant each user access to one or more labels.

Hope this helps,


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