Unable to replace default SQLite index by a MySQL database

Hi team,

I want to connect the Dicom server with the MySQL database, but the error is coming …please help suggest some solution.

I’m using MySQL Server8.0

I have created an empty database named “orthanc” using create database in MySQL.
I changed in mysql.json, file to connect with local MySQL database below is my file.

“MySQL” : {
// Enable the use of MySQL to store the Orthanc index?
“EnableIndex” : true,

// Enable the use of MySQL to store the DICOM files?
“EnableStorage” : true,

// Parameters of the MySLQ database
“Host” : “localhost”,
“Port” : 3306,
“Database” : “othanc”,
“Username” : “root”,
“Password” : “@Mayur1234”,
“Lock” : false

Log file shows the following error:
W0610 15:38:20.851059 PluginsManager.cpp:258] Registering plugin ‘mysql-storage’ (version 4.3)
E0610 15:38:20.866678 PluginsManager.cpp:153] MySQL error (1045,28000): Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded: The specified module could not be found. Library path is ‘C:/Program Files/OrthancMySQL//caching_sha2_password.dll’
W0610 15:38:20.866678 PluginsManager.cpp:157] Database is currently unavailable, retrying…

Log file attached

Orthanc.log.20220610-153820.12164 (9.38 KB)

Please see this thread for several options to resolve: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49194719/authentication-plugin-caching-sha2-password-cannot-be-loaded

Appears to be an issue with MySQL, not Orthanc