Unable to generate Orthanc Config file


I am new with Orthanc, trying to activate the worklist plugin, and the step guideline taught me to generate the Orthanc configuration file, but the error below appeared when I run " Orthanc --config-Configuration.json"
E0726 00:00:40.169248 main.cpp:2063] Uncaught exception, stopping now: [SQLite: Unable to open the database] (code 1002)
W0726 00:00:40.173249 main.cpp:2094] Orthanc has stopped


This command should work (note ‘=’ instead of ‘-’):

Orthanc --config=/tmp/configuration.json && cat /tmp/configuration.json



HI Alain, thanks for the reply
The new command still couldn’t work

But finally I figured out it’s due to admin issue and I don’t have rights to modify the folders. So I change the access to allow all users to have all rights to make modifications on the folder.

I am able to generate the config file now, thankyou