Two EC2 accessing same S3 bucket

Hi, I’m trying to create a second EC2 server with an orthanc instance.

The first EC2 server is already working, configured to store in a S3 bucket.

I’m configuring the second EC2 server to the same S3 bucket, with exactly the same configuration, but nothing is listed on OrthancExplorer.

Does anyone know why this is happening?

Are you sharing the same database? S3 is only going to be storing the instances themselves, but if your 2nd Orthanc server isn’t sharing the same database as the 1st, then it wouldn’t know anything about the studies and potentially why it’s shown as “blank”.

Pls can you guide me on how to set this up :pray:.

Currently i have orthanc running on an aws ec2 instance behind a proxy server(nginx). But i want to configure it to store on s3 bucket.
And do i need to spin up an rds too?

The goal is to share the same database. Both of them are pointed to the same bucket, but the 1st one is already running about a year, and the 2nd is new. In another forum, an user said that the database should be indexed in order to achieve this.

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