Setting up additional instance of Orthanc without using NGINX as proxy. It is running within a Docker Container with exposed ports. Trying to get TLS working natively on that instance of Orthanc.
ports: [“4446:4242”,“8042:8042”].
For the REST API: (All seems to be working since I have an SSL with valid cert on https://localhost:8042.
“SslEnabled” : true,
“SslCertificate” : “/etc/orthanc/combined_crt.pem”,
“HttpsVerifyPeers”: false,
For DICOM, trying to test a few different arrangements.
Locally with HOROS as a SCU. It has some TLS support, but the more recent version of HOROS are kind of buggy since recent releases of OSX.
In live setup using a vendor’s Cloud as a SCU. That is sending requests through a Router that forwards the WAN port to the LAN where the PACS server is. That is probably most background, because there is connectivity now when TLS is enabled, but I am getting some errors in the Orthanc Log file.
Basic Setup for DICOM for testing is as follows, about as permissive as possible initially.
“DicomTlsEnabled” : true,
“DicomTlsCertificate” : “/etc/orthanc/scp.crt.pem”,
“DicomTlsPrivateKey” : “/etc/orthanc/scp.key.pem”,
“DicomTlsTrustedCertificates” : “/etc/orthanc/scu.crt.pem”,
“DicomTlsRemoteCertificateRequired” : false,
“HttpsCACertificates” : “/etc/orthanc/ca-certificates.crt”,
“DicomCheckModalityHost” : false,
“DicomCheckCalledAet” : false,
In the orthanc log:
I0821 04:56:08.368898 DicomServer.cpp:498] (dicom) Setting the TLS certificate for DICOM SCP connections: /etc/orthanc/scp.key.pem (key), /etc/orthanc/ (certificate)
I0821 04:56:08.368923 DicomServer.cpp:548] (dicom) Setting the trusted certificates for DICOM SCP connections: /etc/orthanc/scp.crt.pem
I0821 04:56:08.369103 DicomServer.cpp:404] (dicom) Orthanc SCP will use DICOM TLS
I0821 04:56:08.369152 DicomTls.cpp:83] (dicom) Initializing DICOM TLS for Orthanc SCP
W0821 04:56:08.371683 main.cpp:1249] DICOM server listening with AET BUTTERFLY_SCP on port: 4242, exposed port is 4446
and a little further down:
I0821 04:56:08.371813 HttpServer.cpp:1890] (http) Minimal accepted version of SSL/TLS protocol: TLS1.2
I0821 04:56:08.371823 main.cpp:1077] (http) No configuration option “SslCiphersAccepted”, will accept the FIPS 140-2 ciphers
I0821 04:56:08.371834 HttpServer.cpp:1916] (http) List of accepted SSL ciphers: ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:AES256-SHA:AES128-SHA
When I try to ECHO from the SCU I see:
E0821 04:56:58.305518 CommandDispatcher.cpp:283] Receiving Association failed: DUL secure transport layer: tlsv1 alert unknown ca
in the Orthanc log, and:
pacs-butterfly_1 | D: Association Received:
pacs-butterfly_1 | D: setting network send timeout to 60 seconds
pacs-butterfly_1 | D: setting network receive timeout to 60 seconds
in the terminal where I started up Docker in the Foreground.
Looked over this page a few times and kind of stumped at the moment. Probably not that hard to setup once you’ve done it a couple of times ?
Looks like I seem something similar when I try on my local development clone via the CLI:
E: TLS client handshake failed
F: Association Request Failed: 0006:031b Failed to establish association
F: 0006:0317 Peer aborted Association (or never connected)
F: 0006:031e DUL secure transport layer: certificate verify failed
E0821 05:08:18.904195 CommandDispatcher.cpp:283] Receiving Association failed: DUL secure transport layer: tlsv1 alert unknown ca
I’ll read through it all again, but that seems to be main issue at this point.
Thank you.