Hi everyone,
I am running the Orthanc server on docker with TRANSFERS_PLUGIN_ENABLED and I would like to use it to send data to a remote Orthanc server through the P2P connection established through a Lua script.
function OnStableStudy(studyId, tags, metadata)
local moveRequest = {}
moveRequest["Resources"] = {}
table.insert(moveRequest["Resources"], studyId)
moveRequest["Asynchronous"] = true
local job = ParseJson(RestApiPost("/peers/remote_peer/store", DumpJson(moveRequest, true)))
Do I have to make any changes to my auto-routing script in order for it to use Transfers accelerator in P2P transfer?
P.S. This is my “Transfers” config on the local Orthanc server:
"Transfers": {
"Threads": 2, // Number of worker threads for one transfer
"BucketSize": 4096, // Optimal size for a bucket (in KB)
"CacheSize": 512, // Size of the memory cache to process DICOM files (in MB)
"MaxPushTransactions": 4, // Maximum number of simultaneous receptions in push mode
"MaxHttpRetries": 0, // Maximum number of HTTP retries for one bucket
"PeerConnectivityTimeout": 1 // HTTP Timeout (in seconds) used when checking if a remote peer has the transfer plugin enabled in /transfers/peers GET route
Any assistance on this is super appreciated!