I want to transfer dicom images from a small portable ultrasound to orthanc pacs automatically or immidiately after the exam has been performed. Without manually selecting the files and uploading it to orthanc. Is it possible.
If yes how can i do it and what kind of tools can i use.
Any help is much appriciated. Thank you
How to setup automated routing from your modality to Orthanc depends on the model of your ultrasound device, and is a question to ask to the support team of the vendor (you pay them to assist you).
As far as Orthanc is concerned, if you have direct access to the filesystem where the modality stores the DICOM file, you can consider importing them using samples scripts provided by Orthanc:
The REST API of Orthanc lets you automate various tasks, such as doing query/retrieve from your modality to Orthanc, e.g. using the StudyDate to download the studies during the last day, but this requires scripting skills (e.g. in Python):
Also, consider getting in touch with professional assistance around Orthanc: