Test C-Echo failed

Hi All,
Any ideas greatly appreciated?

E0531 14:40:16.236072 DicomUserConnection.cpp:159] DicomUserConnection: Failed to establish association
0006:0317 Peer aborted Association (or never connected)
0006:031c TCP Initialization Error: Connection refused
E0531 14:40:18.662828 DicomUserConnection.cpp:159] DicomUserConnection: DIMSE: No Presentation Context for: 1.2.840.10008.1.1

configuration file as per below
// The list of the known DICOM modalities
  "DicomModalities" : {
     * Uncommenting the following line would enable Orthanc to
     * connect to an instance of the "storescp" open-source DICOM
     * store (shipped in the DCMTK distribution) started by the
     * command line "storescp 2000".
    // "sample" : [ "STORESCP", "localhost", 2000 ],
     "VSS" : [ "STORE", "", 2000 ]

Did you follow https://orthanc.chu.ulg.ac.be/book/faq/dicom.html ?

Hi Robert,

Thank you very much for pointing me to above link. I can now connect with a viewer however i receive below error when i try to retrieve a study.. Your kind assistance is greatly appreciated.

W0602 12:20:34.835383 OrthancMoveRequestHandler.cpp:171] Move-SCU request receiv
ed for AET "VSS"
E0602 12:20:34.842687 DicomUserConnection.cpp:159] DicomUserConnection: Failed t
o establish association
0006:0317 Peer aborted Association (or never connected)
0006:031c TCP Initialization Error: Connection refused
E0602 12:20:34.842840 MoveScp.cpp:183] IMoveRequestHandler Failed: Error in the
network protocol

Please carefully read the link sent by Robert and provide all the requested information, so that other users can help:

Hi All ok problem solved... it was a bit unclear for me having read the documents. however at the end of the day the ports in "DicomPort" must match the ones in "DicomModalities". As soon as i changed "DicomModalities" to 4242 everything came up.

Thanks again for all your support and especially Robert for kindly pointing me to the reference link.

Take good care.