I’ve been attaching PDF reports to studies using the RESTAPI, which works fine, although maybe not implemented completely.
On a smaller mobile device, it looks like embedded .png images actually scale to the width of the viewport, but a .pdf does not. I’ve attached a screen capture of the issue here. Also, seems like the mobile touch screen controls are not working, or I do not know how to enable or use them for the Stone Viewer.
The corresponding DataSet for the PDF Instance is like the following. Might actually want to change the ISO_IR also, and maybe 0042,0011 (EncapsulatedDocument): Null ?
Transfer syntax: 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
0008,0005 (SpecificCharacterSet): ISO_IR 100
0008,0012 (InstanceCreationDate): 20210809
0008,0013 (InstanceCreationTime): 145818.000000
0008,0016 (SOPClassUID): 1.2.840.10008.
0008,0018 (SOPInstanceUID):
0008,0020 (StudyDate): 20210727
0008,0021 (SeriesDate): 20210809
0008,0022 (AcquisitionDate): 20210809
0008,0023 (ContentDate): 20210809
0008,0030 (StudyTime): 083738
0008,0031 (SeriesTime): 145818.000000
0008,0032 (AcquisitionTime): 145818.000000
0008,0033 (ContentTime): 145818.000000
0008,0050 (AccessionNumber): CMACC00000003
0008,0060 (Modality): OT
0008,0064 (ConversionType): WSD
0008,0070 (Manufacturer): REPORT
0008,0090 (ReferringPhysicianName): 0001:Scotti^Stephen^Douglas
0008,1030 (StudyDescription): MRI C-SPINE - WITHOUT CONTRAST
0008,103e (SeriesDescription): FINAL
0008,1070 (OperatorsName): 1:Stephen Douglas Scotti
0010,0010 (PatientName): Person^Test1
0010,0020 (PatientID): CM0000001
0010,0030 (PatientBirthDate): 20010101
0010,0040 (PatientSex): O
0020,000d (StudyInstanceUID):
0020,000e (SeriesInstanceUID):
0020,0010 (StudyID): 0004
0042,0011 (EncapsulatedDocument): Null
0042,0012 (MIMETypeOfEncapsulatedDocument): application/pdf