Stone Viewer, save annotations to PACS ?

I noticed that the old Osimis viewer has a feature where it can save annotations to Orthanc.

“WebViewer” : {
“AnnotationStorageEnabled”: true

"Annotations are stored in Orthanc metadatas in a format that is specific to the Osimis Web Viewer.

Annotations will be automatically reloaded next time the same instance/slice is displayed."

That is now deprecated.

Just wondering if the Stone Viewer has the same feature or if that is planned for furture releases ?

Also, do either one of those viewers work OK on Tablets or Phones as far as navigating and scrolling through series ? I’ve had trouble doing that with the Stone Viewer. Works fine on a desktop, and I do not have a tablet to test with. Does not seem to work on an iPhone.


This is explained in the documentation of the Stone Web viewer:

“What are the future plans? The internal use of Stone of Orthanc library gives us a lot of flexibility to implement new advanced features, such as 3D rendering (MPR, reslicing, image fusion…), DICOM-RT support, creation of annotations/measurements, viewer for mobile devices, internationalization (translation)… We are looking for industrial sponsors to implement such new features in the Stone Web viewer.”