Stone Dicom Viewer mobile browser

Although is not a feature i use, i notice in my android phone using chrome browser that in osimis dicom viewer you can drag and and drop the thumbnail and you can use it in mobile device, in stone dicom viewer you can not drag the thumbnail in order tou view the image.


Yes, the mobile support for the StoneViewer is currently quite reduced.
Note that you can change series by first selecting the viewport and then clicking on the thumbnail.



After doing more testing, i notice, that stone viewer is working well in my ipad air 4, with safari browser, is not working in chrome browser, (the drug anf drop problem that can not see the full images )

i have the best tablet experience with stone viewer ( and generally ) using google remote desktop in ipad to a mini pc in my office running ubuntu with chrome browser
the touch interface works perfect with stone viewer

many thanks,


Στις Πέμπτη, 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021 στις 5:35:54 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης έγραψε:


I don’t have access to an iPad Air 4, so I added a TODO in our roadmap:


I have just removed this item related to the iPad Air 4 from the TODO, as it appears that it is an issue in Chrome:


I have a situation where I am calling a link to a study on regular computer browsers and the study displays thumb nails that I can drag and drop on the viewer. The same link when called on browser on an Android device doesn’t display thumbnails and can show only some default series.

How do we enable display of thumbnails listing on regular size Android smart phone browsers.
