Hi, I am trying to get the OHIF plugin for orthanc working on Arm 64-bit arch. I downloaded the orthanc sources, OHIF plugin and compiled it as suggested. Orthanc works fine. However, orthanc-OHIF plugin complains about absence of DICOM web plugin. So I tried to download orthanc DICOM web plugin from “SOURCES” link at (Orthanc - DICOM Server) However there is no download option. How do I download it ? Sorry for this seemingly silly question but I searched and couldn’t find a way to download the latest. I found a very old one (7 years ago) at https://bitbucket.org/sjodogne/orthanc-dicomweb/overview but it said "This repository has been deleted. Our apologies, but the repository “sjodogne/orthanc-dicomweb” has been deleted. It now lives at orthanc-dicomweb: log.
At the above link, there doesn’t seem to be a way to download the dicomweb plugin and moreover, there is a prompt asking me to sign-in to https://orthanc.uclouvain.be
Any help in getting the latest sources of dicomweb plugin for orthanc is much appreciated. Thank you.