Hi, new user of Orthanc. Installed on 2 windows 10 PC's on the same network. I can upload and Q/R from either PC, but some files that appear in the patient list never appear in the Q/R list on the other system regardless of the options selected. However, these files can be selected in the patient list and 'send to remote modality' works correctly, the file is available at both PC's.
Just to rule out a corrupt file or incompatible tags etc, I would like to try some known good Dicom files if someone can recommend a source. Thanks.
This is a good idea, see <http://www.osirix-viewer.com/resources/dicom-
image-library/> for an example of known-good sample data set.
You might also want to have a look at these two other sources of sample DICOM files:
TCIA (http://www.cancerimagingarchive.net) has a ton of de-identified dicom data across multiple data types, it's a little clunky to navigate and download, but there are lots of scans.