do you know a way to sort the patient list according to a time dependend search criteron like “last added”?
Concretely, we have a list of exams that is sorted alphabetical, however we want to sort the list in a way that the exams that have been added latest are displayed on top (its not the exam date we are interested in, but the date when the exam has been added to orthanc -or- a new series has been added to the respective exam folder)
I am thankful for your ideas…
Best regards
Please carefully read this FAQ:
“Non-technical audience (physicists, patients, administrative staff…) might expect an user interface that is more user-friendly than Orthanc Explorer, and/or that integrates more features (such as language translations, sorting resources, access control lists, tagging images, beautiful layout, tunable anonymization, modification of instances, paging if many patients, handling of timeouts, login/logout…). If you need such a more advanced user experience so that Orthanc better fits your clinical workflow, you will have to develop a separate, custom Web interface on the top of the REST API of Orthanc, maybe as a plugin.”