Hello to everyone,
I’m currently working in a forwarder to send studies to other Orthancs using the Dicom Web plugin. In case there is an error I want to wait before retrying, so I was intially saving the job id and resubmiting it after 30 seconds (/jobs/job_id/resubmit)
If while waiting there are many jobs, when I resubmit the job it will already have been deleted. I could save a large number of jobs, but as related in this post job-history-combined-with-auto-forwarding, this can be a burden to the database. Thus, I was saving the resource id and creating a new job in case of failure. This works well when sending resources to a remote modality, because the remote AET is in the response when the job fails.
Neverthless, when sending resources using the DicomWeb plugin (STOW), when the job fails the response doesn’t include the identifier of the destination, is there a way to know to which Dicom Web server the resource was send?