Hi there,
I’m working on a application to monitor the content of DICOM tags using Orthanc APIs.
The shared-tag API is here really helpful for that as it gave me all valuable commons tag that had to be monitored.
However I have a question on it.
For PET data we have a “Radiopharmaceutical” section in 0054,0016 (RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence)
in this tag there is a “sub tag” section containing various tags of the 0018 group (for example 0018,1074 radionucleide total dose that I want to collect).
This section is repeted (with same value) in each instance of a PET series so it is a “shared tag” but it is not included in the shared-tag API output (probable because it has “subsection” and not the first level on DICOM tag).
For my work I can fly by simply analyzing the dicom tags of the first instance of the PET series. It would just be easier if the shared-tag could include the “subsection” tags in the shared-tag output.
However I understand that this idea could be too technical to do, it is just a “general thought” about the shared-tag API,
Thanks again to Orthanc Team,