I am currently using Orthance to query studies from other PACS systems in out institution and have a couple questions.
First, is it possible to have the SeriesDescription (0008,103E) be part of the returned json answer when querying at the series level? And if so, is it possible to only retrieve a specific series from a study?
The reason I ask is we are working on a project with Coronary CTA’s, and by the time the physician is done interpreting and all post processing is complete, there is anywhere from 4000-9000 images per study. Our group only needs 1 specific series from these studies that is at max, 250 images. To Q/R the whole study can be a 45 minute process, where just getting the series we need is 1-2 minutes.
Thank you in advance for any help guidance you can offer. (example of my current answer below)
‘0008,0005’: {
‘Name’: ‘SpecificCharacterSet’,
‘Type’: ‘String’,
‘Value’: ‘ISO_IR 100’
‘0008,0050’: {
‘Name’: ‘AccessionNumber’,
‘Type’: ‘String’,
‘Value’: ‘999999E’
‘0008,0052’: {
‘Name’: ‘QueryRetrieveLevel’,
‘Type’: ‘String’,
‘Value’: ‘SERIES’
‘0008,0054’: {
‘Name’: ‘RetrieveAETitle’,
‘Type’: ‘String’,
‘Value’: ‘PACS’
‘0008,0056’: {
‘Name’: ‘InstanceAvailability’,
‘Type’: ‘String’,
‘Value’: ‘ONLINE’
‘0010,0020’: {
‘Name’: ‘PatientID’,
‘Type’: ‘String’,
‘Value’: ‘123456789’
‘0020,000d’: {
‘Name’: ‘StudyInstanceUID’,
‘Type’: ‘String’,
‘Value’: ‘xxx’
‘0020,000e’: {
‘Name’: ‘SeriesInstanceUID’,
‘Type’: ‘String’,
‘Value’: ‘xxx’