Sending studies using ip ae title and port to remote radiologist

I have installed orthank server
I wanted to send one study to radiologist
Radiologist sent me ip address ae title and port
Where do I add this info
And how to send studies

Hi Samad,

You can share studies across DICOM protocol only if both DICOM nodes are on the same LAN.
If not, you should use DICOMweb.


Thank you
How do I configure to send studies in Dicom web using Ip address , ae title and port

You would add this to the ORTHANC JSON file. it is taken as an object or a list.

Use your preferred text editor to edit the file find the value in the file “DicomModalities” youll want to add a file like this

"DicomModalities" : {
    // "sample" : [ "STORESCP", "", 2000 ]
       "PACS1" : ["LINOPACSPROD","", 104],
       "RemoteRad" : ["AETITLE","", 104]

Note that the AE and IP are strings wrapped in quotes and the port is an integer.

If you need help I can do a quick call/remote session. Shoot me a DM