I’m trying to get StudyInstanceUID list with patient UID like below.
request : curl -X POST [link] -d ‘{ ‘patientId’ :‘112341f’}’
expected response:
‘studyUID’ : [ ‘1.2.410.2000010.82.242.1018932208290001’, ’ 1.2.410.2000010.82.242.1018932208290001’, …]
Is there any option like this?
There is a tools/find option:
See: https://book.orthanc-server.com/users/rest.html#performing-finds-within-orthanc
curl -k http://localhost:8042/tools/find -d ‘{“Level” : “Study”, “Expand”:true, “Query” : {“PatientID” : “----”} }’
that will return an array of studies for that PatientID like, or whatever you query on. You could parse the results or write a little Python Plug-in to return just an array of StudyInstanceUID’s. There are probably other ways to do that also.
“ID” : “”,
“IsStable” : true,
“LastUpdate” : “”,
“MainDicomTags” :
“AccessionNumber” : “”,
“InstitutionName” : “”,
“ReferringPhysicianName” : “”,
“RequestedProcedureDescription” : “”,
“StudyDate” : “”,
“StudyDescription” : “”,
“StudyID” : “”,
“StudyInstanceUID” : “”,
“StudyTime” : “”
“ParentPatient” : “”,
“PatientMainDicomTags” :
“OtherPatientIDs” : “.”,
“PatientBirthDate” : “”,
“PatientID” : “”,
“PatientName” : “”,
“PatientSex” : “”
“Series” :
“Type” : “Study”