Hi, I found an issue while testing the S3 plugin. The default HybridMode is set to WriteToFileSystem, which means that the data will be placed in the file system. At this time, everything is normal. However, when using the move storage api to migrate data to S3, accessing the data will result in an error as follows:
I0308 11:32:10.504486 HttpServer.cpp:1262] (http) GET /instances/e371b62c-0bb29a46-3e9b6e6b-c62e0c79-09fbdb12/file2024-03-08 03:32:10,518 DEBG ‘orthanc-server’ stdout output:I0308 11:32:10.518518 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) Reading attachment “10288c63-48b1-40bf-a628-7c4ae2744a53” of “DICOM” content type2024-03-08 03:32:10,520 DEBG ‘orthanc-server’ stdout output:E0308 11:32:10.519991 PluginsManager.cpp:153] The specified path does not point to a regular file: The path does not point to a regular file: /data/storage/10/28/10288c63-48b1-40bf-a628-7c4ae2744a53
I tested this feature a few months ago and it was working normally at the time. Currently, I am using the docker image of osimiss, version 23.12.1. I refer to the plugin introduction on the official website for instructions .orthanc s3 plugin
Could you provide a reproducible scenario base, e.g. on this sample ?
Here are the logs I have after I move a file from FileSystem to ObjectStorage and restart the setup to make sure the file is not in cache:
orthanc-1 | I0311 11:11:48.692833 JOBS-WORKER-0 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) AWS S3 Storage (Primary: file-system): reading whole attachment 92a04050-92be-495e-b8d9-f2fc8429794c of type 1
orthanc-1 | W0311 11:11:48.692944 JOBS-WORKER-0 PluginsManager.cpp:157] AWS S3 Storage (Primary: file-system): error while reading object 92a04050-92be-495e-b8d9-f2fc8429794c: The path does not point to a regular file: /var/lib/orthanc/db/92/a0/92a04050-92be-495e-b8d9-f2fc8429794c
orthanc-1 | I0311 11:11:48.692981 JOBS-WORKER-0 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) AWS S3 Storage (Secondary: object-storage): reading whole attachment 92a04050-92be-495e-b8d9-f2fc8429794c of type 1
orthanc-1 | I0311 11:11:48.708714 JOBS-WORKER-0 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) AWS S3 Storage (Secondary: object-storage): read whole attachment 92a04050-92be-495e-b8d9-f2fc8429794c (2.38MB in 15.72ms = 1.27Gbps)
Note that the logs include logs from the primary (file-system) storage that does not find the file and then, from the secondary (object- storage and this is a warning, not an error → it seems you are not using the latest version of the object storage plugin 2.3.1 that is in the Docker images v 23.12.1.
Best regards,
Thanks for your reply, I upgraded the plugin version and it works fine now!