Is there a way that I can add another configuration file and run another orthanc service with that configuration file in windows?
Στις Τρί, 8 Φεβ 2022, 12:01 ο χρήστης Shravan Venkatesh <> έγραψε:
problem being that this is a clients workstation that we are trying to use and someone has already configured their orthanc there and we dont want to disturb that. If i were to create a docker container there I would have to download docker desktop which i dont have permission to do
Hi Shravan,
No, the Windows Service is designed to run a single instance of Orthanc.
However, you can still launch another Orthanc manually (or with a command line). And you can reuse the executable that has been installed from the installer. Just make sure to pass him other configuration files and use other ports
Perfect, Thank you so much