Hi all,
I am performing a query towards a custom dicom server e.g.:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8042/modalities/<custom_dicom_server>/query -d ‘{“Level”:“Series”,“Query”:{“Modality”:““,“ProtocolName”:””,“SeriesDescription”:““,“SeriesInstanceUID”:””,“StudyInstanceUID”:“<study_id>”}}’
The answer of that is the number of series associated to the studyID. I am trying to get only the tags of the dicom files belonging to those series. Can you give me some pointers how to do that?
If that is not possible: Could I retrieve only the first dicom file of the series?
Thank you,
Actually the /query route does not retrieve the file (the /retrieve route does).
You should check the /answers/…/content route. This might be what you’re looking for: https://book.orthanc-server.com/users/rest.html#reviewing-query-answers
Hi alain,
Thank you for your quick response, the /answers/…/content route, gives me some metadata about the series but not the tags of the dicom files belonging to the series. Is there something else that I can try?
You can list all the tags you want in the response in the query itself. However, the other modality might not be able to report any tag in a C-Find response.
If you want all the tags, your only solution is to retrieve at least the first frame of a series.
Once you have the SeriesInstanceUID, you can perform a query at instance level to retrieve all the SOPInstanceUIDs of the given series. Then, once you have the SOPInstanceUID, you can C-Move a single instance to yourself and you’ll get all DICOM tags.