i have one instance of orthanc connected to four other third party PACS.
Is it possible to force my Orthance to search through all those PACS for a study and than download it to its own database or even better, to C-Move the study between the connected PACS - using rest api ?
Krzysztof Turkiewicz
Hi Krzysztof,
I do this by executing the same query using the rest api (/modalities/{Modality}/query) to each remote modality. If it finds anything, you can then either retrieve all the results using /queries/{QueryID}/retrieve. You can do this more or less in parallel.
I do this all using the REST api.
Hope that helps.
When I run this command, is there any form of notification that the process of downloading ended and study is ready ?
śr., 10 cze 2020, 12:42 użytkownik James Manners <james@binary.com.au> napisał:
By default, the retrieve requests are synchronous, ie: the REST call only returns when the C-Move has finished. If the REST request times out, you can perform an asynchronous request and then poll for the status of the job using the REST api. See https://book.orthanc-server.com/users/rest.html#performing-retrieve-c-move
Brilliant. Thank you a lot.
śr., 10 cze 2020, 12:51 użytkownik James Manners <james@binary.com.au> napisał: