REST API - search for study through all connected PACS


i have one instance of orthanc connected to four other third party PACS.
Is it possible to force my Orthance to search through all those PACS for a study and than download it to its own database or even better, to C-Move the study between the connected PACS - using rest api ?

Krzysztof Turkiewicz

Hi Krzysztof,

I do this by executing the same query using the rest api (/modalities/{Modality}/query) to each remote modality. If it finds anything, you can then either retrieve all the results using /queries/{QueryID}/retrieve. You can do this more or less in parallel.

I do this all using the REST api.

Hope that helps.


When I run this command, is there any form of notification that the process of downloading ended and study is ready ?

śr., 10 cze 2020, 12:42 użytkownik James Manners <> napisał:

By default, the retrieve requests are synchronous, ie: the REST call only returns when the C-Move has finished. If the REST request times out, you can perform an asynchronous request and then poll for the status of the job using the REST api. See


Brilliant. Thank you a lot.

śr., 10 cze 2020, 12:51 użytkownik James Manners <> napisał: