It is also possible to see the remote AET of an instance by using orthanc.RegisterOnStoredInstanceCallback like this:
def OnStoredInstance(dicom, instanceId):
What I would like to do is use the AET to decide whether to accept or reject an instance in the orthanc.RegisterReceivedInstanceCallback. How can I retrieve the AET of an incoming instance?
Would be nice to do it at the TCP/NGINX level, but since I want to block based on AET I don’t think it will be possible. I will check the RegisterIncomingCStoreInstanceFilter but since it happens after ReceivedInstanceCallback I guess the DICOM instances are stored in Orthanc, then removed. My understanding is that the ReceivedInstanceCallback goes a step further and does not allow the instances to even get into Orthanc (like a rejected POST request), so I would say it is the optimal event for DICOM denial logics.
A sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2022 à(s) 13:19:05 UTC+1, escreveu: