Query study by tag

I there any way to query Orthanc and get all studies with the tag (0008,0100) is ‘x’.


I tried this but doesn’t return anything, If i try something like patientID, studyID or Physician name it returns the result-set.

curl --request POST --url [http://localhost:8042/tools/find](http://localhost:8042/tools/find) --data '{"Level":"Instance","Query":{"0008,0100":"test"}}'

Please provide a sample DICOM file.

Are you actually sure that you have data with these tags ?

I don’t → I get no results

$ curl --request POST --url http://localhost:8042/tools/find --data ‘{“Level”:“Study”,“Query”:{“0008,0100”:“*”}}’

when trying any other fancy tag that are present in at least one image → I get results:
$ curl --request POST --url http://localhost:8042/tools/find --data ‘{“Level”:“Study”,“Query”:{“0028,1101”:“*”}}’
[ “2578aef7-f90dd1b6-574c432a-4de716e7-e272b61b” ]

small question about that,
is it possible to search for a metadata value using this /tool/find API ?


no :frowning: