Problem getting WebDAV to work

Hi everyone,

A few days ago I have created a fresh Orthanc instance on CentOS 8 using the mainline Linux base binaries. So far everything (including HTTP, app explorer, etc.) works like a charm, except for the WebDav - which I absolutely can’t get to work.

access to the /webdav/ using Nautilus or Windows 10 does not work. Also just trying to access http://xxxx:5503/webdav from a browser isn’t working either. For simplicity, I have also tested a curl on the WebDAV resource which returns a 404
curl --user xxxx:xxxx http://localhost:5503/webdav -sw ‘%{http_code}’

From the log, it looks like everything is started properly:

I0309 14:27:18.001012 HttpServer.cpp:2138] (http) Branching WebDAV bucket at: /webdav
I0309 14:27:18.001022 HttpServer.cpp:1614] (http) Starting embedded Web server using Civetweb
I0309 14:27:18.004090 OrthancWebDav.cpp:1703] Starting the WebDAV upload thread
W0309 14:27:18.004162 HttpServer.cpp:1759] HTTP server listening on port: 5503 (HTTPS encryption is disabled, remote access is allowed)
W0309 14:27:18.004177 main.cpp:827] Orthanc has started

and whenever the /webdav/ is accessed there is an HTTP request generated:

T0309 14:27:33.026956 HttpServer.cpp:1152] (http) HTTP header: [host]: [xxxx:5503]

T0309 14:27:33.026995 HttpServer.cpp:1152] (http) HTTP header: [connection]: [keep-alive]
T0309 14:27:33.027004 HttpServer.cpp:1152] (http) HTTP header: [cache-control]: [max-age=0]
T0309 14:27:33.027011 HttpServer.cpp:1152] (http) HTTP header: [authorization]: [Basic xxxx]
T0309 14:27:33.027018 HttpServer.cpp:1152] (http) HTTP header: [upgrade-insecure-requests]: [1]
T0309 14:27:33.027024 HttpServer.cpp:1152] (http) HTTP header: [user-agent]: [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.190 Safari/537.36]
T0309 14:27:33.027041 HttpServer.cpp:1152] (http) HTTP header: [accept]: [text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,/;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9]
T0309 14:27:33.027048 HttpServer.cpp:1152] (http) HTTP header: [accept-encoding]: [gzip, deflate]
T0309 14:27:33.027055 HttpServer.cpp:1152] (http) HTTP header: [accept-language]: [de-DE,de;q=0.9,en-DE;q=0.8,en;q=0.7,en-US;q=0.6]
I0309 14:27:33.027073 HttpServer.cpp:1228] (http) GET /webdav

My Configuration:


“WebDavEnabled”: true,
“WebDavDeleteAllowed”: true,
“WebDavUploadAllowed”: true


“HttpServerEnabled” : true,
“HttpPort”: 5503,
“RemoteAccessAllowed”: true,
“AuthenticationEnabled”: true,
“RegisteredUsers”: {
“xxxx”: “xxxx”

Any advice or hints on what I’m missing or what might be going wrong would be highly appreciated! I, unfortunately, do not have much experience with WebDav so it might also be that I’m doing some stupid beginners mistake



Before anything, have you carefully followed the configuration instructions from the Orthanc Book?



after your request I did go through all steps again and apparently, the problem is that with Windows 10 WebDav appears to only work with HTTPS.
This is briefly mentioned as a “maybe” in the Orthanc Book and was exactly the case for me.
After enabling HTTPS, creating and importing certificates it works - maybe this information will help others.

best wishes