Private Tags

Hi all,

I need help with private tags.

I want to add a custom private tag to every instance in a certain Orthanc instance. I know there’s the /modify URL’s from the Anonymization API but it reports my tag as unknown:

I0725 14:10:54.793314 MongooseServer.cpp:755] POST /instances/32e31b10-9140ee52-3888802b-dbc77dfd-03442a40/modify
I0725 14:10:54.794642 FromDcmtkBridge.cpp:1092] Unknown DICOM tag: “Origin”

From the configuration files I know I can specify a Dictionary entry and list my own tag there. But how should I go about picking a group/id for the tag? Is it hard as it seems right now?

On a side note, how does Orthanc deal with item 7.8 of the DICOM specification and how does it relate to the prior question?

Any help is dearly appreciated.


From the configuration files I know I can specify a Dictionary entry and list my own tag there. But how should I go about picking a group/id for the tag? Is it hard as it seems right now?

This thread is a duplicate from this one, please don’t create too many threads:

On a side note, how does Orthanc deal with item 7.8 of the DICOM specification and how does it relate to the prior question?

Please be more specific.
