Printing PDf reports in Stone of Orthanc


Is there a way to properly print the rerports (embebed PDF in DICOM) from the stone of Orhtanc ?

Dowloading the object, you download a DICOM file, what is not useful for the user. From the windows print, what is printed is a a screenshot of the screen, with a poor results.

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As of Stone Web viewer 2.5, this is not possible, but you can download the PDF by clicking on the “Preview” button in Orthanc Explorer at the instance level:

I have added your request to the wishlist: orthanc-stone: c9fc53d462a5

Kind Regards,


I’m using the new web interface… Where is this property located ?

Here, in red:


Thanks a lot ! I didn’t realized we could reach instance level.

But, when I try to open it I get an HTTP 415 error

The Orthanc.log doesn’t show anything bad… Where should I look for troubleshooting this error ?

I0603 10:00:52.677762          HTTP-47 HttpServer.cpp:1262] (http) GET /instances/707ae4fb-e56a4031-a2dcb59a-6ac1b5f7-1bd11394/study
I0603 10:00:52.678044          HTTP-47 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) Testing whether user has the required permissions 'all|view' based on the HTTP header 'token' required to match '^/(patients|studies|series|instances)/([a-f0-9-]+)/(studies|study|series|instances)$' -> granted
I0603 10:00:52.678073          HTTP-47 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) Testing whether user has the authorized_labels to access '/instances/707ae4fb-e56a4031-a2dcb59a-6ac1b5f7-1bd11394/study' based on the HTTP header 'token' -> granted
I0603 10:00:52.722323          HTTP-49 HttpServer.cpp:1262] (http) PUT /auth/tokens/download-instant-link
I0603 10:00:52.722562          HTTP-49 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) Testing whether user has the required permissions 'all|download' based on the HTTP header 'token' required to match '^/auth/tokens/(download-instant-link)$' -> granted
I0603 10:00:52.722585          HTTP-49 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) Testing whether user has the authorized_labels to access '/auth/tokens/download-instant-link' based on the HTTP header 'token' -> granted
I0603 10:00:52.758432          HTTP-49 OrthancPlugins.cpp:2475] (plugins) Delegating HTTP request to plugin for URI: /auth/tokens/download-instant-link
I0603 10:00:52.758580          HTTP-49 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) New HTTP request to: http://orthanc-auth-service:8000/tokens/download-instant-link (timeout: 10s)
I0603 10:00:52.762573          HTTP-49 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) HTTP status code 200 in 3 ms after PUT request on: http://orthanc-auth-service:8000/tokens/download-instant-link
I0603 10:00:52.822956           HTTP-4 HttpServer.cpp:1262] (http) GET /instances/707ae4fb-e56a4031-a2dcb59a-6ac1b5f7-1bd11394/preview
I0603 10:00:52.823191           HTTP-4 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) Testing whether access to study "8978e8c9-556a8e20-060cc444-c22e8a96-b7558182" is allowed with a resource token
I0603 10:00:52.823357           HTTP-4 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) New HTTP request to: http://orthanc-auth-service:8000/tokens/validate (timeout: 10s)
I0603 10:00:52.828320           HTTP-4 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) HTTP status code 200 in 4 ms after POST request on: http://orthanc-auth-service:8000/tokens/validate
I0603 10:00:52.828574           HTTP-4 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) Testing whether access to study "8978e8c9-556a8e20-060cc444-c22e8a96-b7558182" is allowed with a resource token -> granted
I0603 10:00:52.830066           HTTP-4 StorageCache.cpp:127] Read attachment "56084616-e5ff-4d2c-9405-d8a1438c7388" with content type 1 from cache
I0603 10:00:52.830144           HTTP-4 PluginsManager.cpp:161] (plugins) Won't use GDCM to decode this instance of 0.0MB, as its transfer syntax 1.2.840.10008. is disabled
I0603 10:00:52.830167           HTTP-4 ServerContext.cpp:1891] The installed image decoding plugins cannot handle an image, fallback to the built-in DCMTK decoder
I0603 10:00:52.830191           HTTP-4 DicomImageDecoder.cpp:900] Decoding a JPEG lossless, nonhierarchical, first-order prediction (process 14 selection value 1) DICOM image

What version of Orthanc Explorer 2 are you using ?
PDF preview was fixed in 1.2.2

You’re right.
I updated the viewer and now it works !!

FYI, we have just added 2 buttons to download or print PDF reports in Stone: