Preview Dicom Images Unsupported

I perform some upload of DICOM Files in my Orthanc Server and when I trying preview the instance, I see this message that the unsupported…

The DICOM Files I’ve download from this site just in case that this detail are useful in some way …

In this post explain because happen this!newtopic/orthanc-users/orthanc-users/d71Fjj900Fc
What images can I upload for deploy in the Orthanc Server?

I have answered the part of your question about the OsiriX datasets in the following post:

Regarding the question “What images can I upload for deploy in the Orthanc Server?”, the answer is “Orthanc can store any DICOM image”. This is reported in the DICOM conformance statement of Orthanc:

However, you cannot preview all of these images: For instance, the embedded Web interface Orthanc Explorer cannot display MPEG movies or JPEG2k images. But the Orthanc server can receive and forward such images, as well as display their DICOM tags. Orthanc Explorer can preview images that are not compressed, or that are encoded using lossy JPEG or lossless JPEG (including 12bpp and 16bpp).
