I am trying orthanc with PostgreSQL in windows and i cannot ot make it work. I’ve put the configuration just like the orthanc-book example but still not working.
My log file ends with this:
0405 02:41:53.335696 PluginsManager.cpp:269] Registering plugin ‘dicom-web’ (version 0.4)
W0405 02:41:53.335696 PluginsManager.cpp:168] URI to the DICOMweb REST API: /dicom-web/
W0405 02:41:53.336697 PluginsManager.cpp:168] URI to the WADO-URI API: /wado
E0405 02:41:53.337790 SharedLibrary.cpp:65] LoadLibrary(Configuration../Plugins\OrthancPostgreSQL-2.0-Index.dll) failed: Error 193
W0405 02:41:53.337790 PluginsManager.cpp:219] Unregistering plugin ‘dicom-web’ (version 0.4)
W0405 02:41:53.342235 PluginsManager.cpp:219] Unregistering plugin ‘worklists’ (version 1.3.1)
W0405 02:41:53.342235 PluginsManager.cpp:168] Sample worklist plugin is finalizing
E0405 02:41:53.342235 main.cpp:1323] Uncaught exception, stopping now: [Error while using a shared library (plugin)] (code 25)
W0405 02:41:53.342235 main.cpp:1356] Orthanc has stopped
The plugins i’m using are the ones here (2.0): https://www.orthanc-server.com/browse.php?path=/plugin-postgresql
Database created with orthanc as name, same as user. the postgresql.json is this (in case I don’t see the mistake):
- Configuration to use PostgreSQL instead of the default SQLite
- back-end of Orthanc. You will have to install the
- “orthanc-postgresql” package to take advantage of this feature.
“PostgreSQL” : {
// Enable the use of PostgreSQL to store the Orthanc index?
“EnableIndex” : true,
// Enable the use of PostgreSQL to store the DICOM files?
“EnableStorage” : true,
// Option 1: Specify explicit authentication parameters
“Host” : “localhost”,
“Port” : 5432,
“Database” : “orthanc”,
“Username” : “orthanc”,
“Password” : “orthanc”,
// Option 2: Authenticate using PostgreSQL connection URI
// “ConnectionUri” : “postgresql://orthanc_user:my_password@localhost:5432/orthanc_db”,
// Optional: Disable the locking of the PostgreSQL database
“Lock” : false
PostgreSQL server version is 10.3-1 64 bits, orthanc 1.3.1, SO windows 10 64 bits. Any help will be appreciated. Don’t doubt asking for more info.