Installation Details:
- Software: Orthanc v1.12.3
- Database: PostgreSQL v16
- PostgreSQL Plugin: v6.2
- Storage Device: 1TB SSD
Issue Summary:
- A new instance of Orthanc was installed using PostgreSQL as the database.
- Approximately 800GB of images were loaded into Orthanc.
- The “MaximumStorageSize” parameter was set to 700,000 MB, and the “MaximumStorageMode” was set to “Recycle.”
Observed Problem:
- The PostgreSQL database occupies 925GB on the SSD, despite the “MaximumStorageSize” setting.
- Reducing the “MaximumStorageSize” to 300,000 MB did not decrease disk utilization.
- Orthanc settings report storage usage as 279.27 GB / 292.97 GB (Recycle), yet the SSD remains nearly full with only 4GB free of 931GB.
Steps Taken:
- Reduced “MaximumStorageSize” to 300,000 MB in Orthanc settings.
- Verified storage usage reported by Orthanc.
- Ran PostgreSQL VACUUM statement to reclaim space with no success.
Current Status:
- Disk utilization remains high.
- Orthanc reports storage within the expected limit, but SSD utilization does not reflect this change.
- VACUUM operation on PostgreSQL did not reclaim any significant disk space.