As previously stated I’m no radiographer or radiologist, I have Orthanc working on a test PC without too many problems, in a previous post I was looking for a simpler viewe and was pointed to Osimis, I have this installed and working for all but CR film, to me it looks like the windowing is off, please see attached file, I also went back to the Orthanc web viewer but the result was the same, DX images seem to view ok. is this just a simple fix?

Thanks for the feedback. Please provide the sample image as a DICOM file so that we can help you.
There is a pending patch in the mainline code for signed 16bpp images. By quick inspection of your image, I think this patch would fix your issue.
The Dicom folder was too big, I’m trying a ziped version… Even zipped is too large I’m guessing a 10Mb limit, files 11+, but you you think the revision should fix the problem?
I cannot tell without having access to your images.
There are many online services to send large files. Make a query such as “send large files online” on any Web search engine.