Philips Affinity G70 does not connect to Orthanc

Hi there,

have already integrated a bunch of modalities with Orthanc successfully.

Attempt to integrate a Philips Affinity G70 failed both for worklist and storage. The device is, however, already to another PACS (GE) for storage. C-Echo works but the device goes for a kind of server validation once I add the settings for the worklist provider and the storage.

There seems to be something special with this device but I have no clue what that is. Maybe one of you have successfully connected this Philips device with Orthanc already. Would be happy to get in touch.

Here is the conformance statement of the device


Hi Sir,

My Affiniti G50 gets same error.

Did you checked your orthanc log?

I will debug the log of my affiniti for look a reason to this error and if get some solution, update this post.

thx a lot


I don’t have access to such a Philips modality, however you could possibly debug it by implementing an “IncomingFindRequestFilter()” Lua callback to print/fix the actual content of the C-FIND that are issued by the Philips modality to Orthanc:

Please share your findings :slight_smile:



My GE Affiniti works with Orthanc 1.2.0 on my Microsoft Windows 2012
Licensed Server. However, it still does not working with my Orthanc 0.7.2
on Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS.

I don't have access to such a Philips modality, however you could possibly
debug it by implementing an "IncomingFindRequestFilter()" Lua callback to
print/fix the actual content of the C-FIND that are issued by the Philips
modality to Orthanc:
Server-side scripting with Lua — Orthanc Book documentation

I'll try Sir. Thx a lot

Best regards!

If you'd like to try the latest version of and you're stuck with Ubuntu
14.04 for some reason, you might find it useful to know that an
official Docker CE package supports Ubuntu 14.04.

Of course you can also compile the latest version yourself.

I see the following problem in orthanc.log when the Philipps starts its verification

May 16 11:26:17 29SGXJ2 orthanc: I0516 11:26:17.828018 CommandDispatcher.cpp:491] Association Received from AET on IP
May 16 11:26:17 29SGXJ2 orthanc: I0516 11:26:17.828048 CommandDispatcher.cpp:620] Association Rejected: Bad Application Context Name:
May 16 11:26:17 29SGXJ2 orthanc: I0516 11:26:17.828054 CommandDispatcher.cpp:624] DUL Finite State Machine Error: No action defined, state 1 event 7

Can it be that orthanc does not fully implement C-ECHO ?

I see the following problem in orthanc.log when the Philipps starts its

May 16 11:26:17 29SGXJ2 orthanc: I0516 11:26:17.828018
CommandDispatcher.cpp:491] Association Received from AET on IP

It seems your AET is empty. Can you check ?

Thanks Alain.
Both AETs (orthanc and the device) are set. Maybe this log message does not correctly show it?
Anyway, the log message below that indicates (from my point of view) that the implementation is not complete.

I think the Orthanc log is correct, this is what I get when another Orthanc performs a C-ECHO:

I0516 12:19:27.470803 CommandDispatcher.cpp:490] Association Received from AET ORTHANCA on IP
I0516 12:19:27.495696 CommandDispatcher.cpp:688] Association Acknowledged (Max Send PDV: 16372)
I0516 12:19:27.499621 CommandDispatcher.cpp:921] Received Echo Request
I0516 12:19:32.533925 CommandDispatcher.cpp:891] DUL Peer Requested Release
I0516 12:19:32.538836 CommandDispatcher.cpp:898] Association Release

When using echoscu without an empty AET, I get the same message as you:

echoscu -aet “” 4243

logs on Orthanc:

I0516 12:28:37.206643 CommandDispatcher.cpp:490] Association Received from AET on IP
I0516 12:28:37.207611 CommandDispatcher.cpp:619] Association Rejected: Bad Application Context Name:
I0516 12:28:37.210557 CommandDispatcher.cpp:623] DUL Finite State Machine Error: No action defined, state 1 event 7

I think you should check your Philipps support

thanks a lot this points in the right direction and I could verify with your approach

the Philips technician is currently at the device and he has proven with wireshark that the AET is send
but it does not seem to arrive
I have no idea what could be the reason that its not received by orthanc (its a direct IP network without proxy)

could you eventually hand us your wireshark traces so we can compare with ours ?

What version of Orthanc are you running ?

same with Orthanc 1.1 and 1.2
we try to put device and orthanc server into same network segment now
and cover ip traffic with tcpdump
will let you know what came out of that

So, we have now doen everything that we can.

Below you will find the relevant tcpdump. It shows clearly that the AET "HDFUS1" is received. Below that I add the relevant part of the Orthanc log file. Orthanc was started with --trace

--- tcpdump -qns 0 -vv -X port 4242

tcpdump: listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
13:52:32.528639 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 117, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52) > tcp 0
  0x0000: 4500 0034 0075 4000 8006 9f8c c0a8 6cbf E..4.u@.......l.
  0x0010: c0a8 6cb2 c5da 1092 deca 2e3b 0000 0000 ..l........;....
  0x0020: 8002 2000 10db 0000 0204 05b4 0103 0308 ................
  0x0030: 0101 0402 ....
13:52:32.528687 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52) > tcp 0
  0x0000: 4500 0034 0000 4000 4006 e001 c0a8 6cb2 E..4..@.@.....l.
  0x0010: c0a8 6cbf 1092 c5da d1ab 2918 deca 2e3c ..l.......)....<
  0x0020: 8012 3908 fcfe 0000 0204 05b4 0101 0402 ..9.............
  0x0030: 0103 0307 ....
13:52:32.528837 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 118, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 40) > tcp 0
  0x0000: 4500 0028 0076 4000 8006 9f97 c0a8 6cbf E..(.v@.......l.
  0x0010: c0a8 6cb2 c5da 1092 deca 2e3c d1ab 2919 ..l........<..).
  0x0020: 5010 0100 75d9 0000 0000 0000 0000 P...u.........
13:52:32.528884 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 119, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 40) > tcp 0
  0x0000: 4500 0028 0077 4000 8006 9f96 c0a8 6cbf E..(.w@.......l.
  0x0010: c0a8 6cb2 c5da 1092 deca 2e3c d1ab 2919 ..l........<..).
  0x0020: 5010 0200 74d9 0000 0000 0000 0000 P...t.........
13:52:33.529989 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 49981, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 40) > tcp 0
  0x0000: 4500 0028 c33d 4000 4006 1cd0 c0a8 6cb2 E..(.=@.@.....l.
  0x0010: c0a8 6cbf 1092 c5da d1ab 2919 deca 2e3c ..l.......)....<
  0x0020: 5011 0073 7665 0000 P..sve..
13:52:33.530127 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 123, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 40) > tcp 0
  0x0000: 4500 0028 007b 4000 8006 9f92 c0a8 6cbf E..(.{@.......l.
  0x0010: c0a8 6cb2 c5da 1092 deca 2e3c d1ab 291a ..l........<..).
  0x0020: 5010 0200 74d8 0000 0000 0000 0000 P...t.........
13:52:37.331214 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 124, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 2862) > tcp 2822
  0x0000: 4500 0b2e 007c 4000 8006 948b c0a8 6cbf E....|@.......l.
  0x0010: c0a8 6cb2 c5da 1092 deca 2e3c d1ab 291a ..l........<..).
  0x0020: 5018 0200 65e3 0000 0100 0000 0b00 0001 P...e...........
  0x0030: 0000 494e 5041 4353 2020 2020 2020 2020 ..INPACS........
  0x0040: 2020 4844 4655 5331 2020 2020 2020 2020 ..HDFUS1........
  0x0050: 2020 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
  0x0060: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
  0x0070: 0000 1000 0015 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 ......1.2.840.10
  0x0080: 3030 382e 332e 312e 312e 3120 0000 4f01
  0x0090: 0000 0030 0000 1b31 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 ...0...1.2.840.1
  0x00a0: 3030 3038 2e35 2e31 2e34 2e31 2e31 2e36 0008.
  0x00b0: 2e31 4000 0013 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 .1@...1.2.840.10
  0x00c0: 3030 382e 312e 322e 3140 0000 1131 2e32
  0x00d0: 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2000 .840.10008.1.2..
  0x00e0: 004d 0300 0000 3000 0019 312e 322e 3834 .M....0...1.2.84
  0x00f0: 302e 3130 3030 382e 352e 312e 342e 312e 0.10008.
  0x0100: 312e 3640 0000 1331 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 1.6@...1.2.840.1
  0x0110: 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 0011 312e 0008.1.2.1@...1.
  0x0120: 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 3220 2.840.10008.1.2.
  0x0130: 0000 4905 0000 0030 0000 1531 2e33 2e34 ..I....0...1.3.4
  0x0140: 362e 3637 3035 3839 2e32 2e35 2e31 2e31 6.670589.
  0x0150: 4000 0013 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 @...1.2.840.1000
  0x0160: 382e 312e 322e 3140 0000 1131 2e32 2e38
  0x0170: 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2000 0051 40.10008.1.2...Q
  0x0180: 0700 0000 3000 001d 312e 322e 3834 302e ....0...1.2.840.
  0x0190: 3130 3030 382e 352e 312e 342e 312e 312e 10008.
  0x01a0: 3838 2e33 3340 0000 1331 2e32 2e38 3430 88.33@...1.2.840
  0x01b0: 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 0011 .10008.1.2.1@...
  0x01c0: 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 1.2.840.10008.1.
  0x01d0: 3220 0000 3d09 0000 0030 0000 1b31 2e32 2...=....0...1.2
  0x01e0: 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e35 2e31 2e34 .840.10008.5.1.4
  0x01f0: 2e31 2e31 2e33 2e31 4000 0016 312e 322e .
  0x0200: 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 322e 342e 840.10008.1.2.4.
  0x0210: 3530 2000 003b 0b00 0000 3000 0019 312e 50...;....0...1.
  0x0220: 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 352e 312e 2.840.10008.5.1.
  0x0230: 342e 312e 312e 3340 0000 1631 2e32 2e38
  0x0240: 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2e34 2e35 40.10008.
  0x0250: 3020 0000 480d 0000 0030 0000 1431 2e32 0...H....0...1.2
  0x0260: 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 302e .840.10008.1.20.
  0x0270: 3140 0000 1331 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 1@...1.2.840.100
  0x0280: 3038 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 0011 312e 322e
  0x0290: 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 3220 0000 840.10008.1.2...
  0x02a0: 450f 0000 0030 0000 1131 2e32 2e38 3430 E....0...1.2.840
  0x02b0: 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e31 4000 0013 312e .10008.1.1@...1.
  0x02c0: 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 322e 2.840.10008.1.2.
  0x02d0: 3140 0000 1131 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 1@...1.2.840.100
  0x02e0: 3038 2e31 2e32 2000 004d 1100 0000 3000 08.1.2...M....0.
  0x02f0: 0019 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e ..1.2.840.10008.
  0x0300: 352e 312e 342e 312e 312e 3740 0000 1331
  0x0310: 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 .2.840.10008.1.2
  0x0320: 2e31 4000 0011 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 .1@...1.2.840.10
  0x0330: 3030 382e 312e 3220 0000 3d13 0000 0030 008.1.2...=....0
  0x0340: 0000 1b31 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 ...1.2.840.10008
  0x0350: 2e35 2e31 2e34 2e31 2e31 2e37 2e34 4000 .
  0x0360: 0016 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e ..1.2.840.10008.
  0x0370: 312e 322e 342e 3530 2000 004f 1500 0000
  0x0380: 3000 001b 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 0...1.2.840.1000
  0x0390: 382e 352e 312e 342e 312e 322e 322e 3140
  0x03a0: 0000 1331 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 ...1.2.840.10008
  0x03b0: 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 0011 312e 322e 3834 .1.2.1@...1.2.84
  0x03c0: 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 3220 0000 4f17 0.10008.1.2...O.
  0x03d0: 0000 0030 0000 1b31 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 ...0...1.2.840.1
  0x03e0: 3030 3038 2e35 2e31 2e34 2e31 2e32 2e32 0008.
  0x03f0: 2e32 4000 0013 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 .2@...1.2.840.10
  0x0400: 3030 382e 312e 322e 3140 0000 1131 2e32
  0x0410: 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2000 .840.10008.1.2..
  0x0420: 004f 1900 0000 3000 001b 312e 322e 3834 .O....0...1.2.84
  0x0430: 302e 3130 3030 382e 352e 312e 342e 312e 0.10008.
  0x0440: 312e 312e 3240 0000 1331 2e32 2e38 3430 1.1.2@...1.2.840
  0x0450: 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 0011 .10008.1.2.1@...
  0x0460: 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 1.2.840.10008.1.
  0x0470: 3220 0000 511b 0000 0030 0000 1d31 2e32 2...Q....0...1.2
  0x0480: 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e35 2e31 2e34 .840.10008.5.1.4
  0x0490: 2e31 2e31 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 0013 312e .
  0x04a0: 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 322e 2.840.10008.1.2.
  0x04b0: 3140 0000 1131 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 1@...1.2.840.100
  0x04c0: 3038 2e31 2e32 2000 004d 1d00 0000 3000 08.1.2...M....0.
  0x04d0: 0019 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e ..1.2.840.10008.
  0x04e0: 352e 312e 342e 312e 312e 3240 0000 1331
  0x04f0: 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 .2.840.10008.1.2
  0x0500: 2e31 4000 0011 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 .1@...1.2.840.10
  0x0510: 3030 382e 312e 3220 0000 4f1f 0000 0030 008.1.2...O....0
  0x0520: 0000 1b31 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 ...1.2.840.10008
  0x0530: 2e35 2e31 2e34 2e31 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 .
  0x0540: 0013 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e ..1.2.840.10008.
  0x0550: 312e 322e 3140 0000 1131 2e32 2e38 3430 1.2.1@...1.2.840
  0x0560: 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2000 004d 2100 .10008.1.2...M!.
  0x0570: 0000 3000 0019 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 ..0...1.2.840.10
  0x0580: 3030 382e 352e 312e 342e 312e 312e 3440
  0x0590: 0000 1331 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 ...1.2.840.10008
  0x05a0: 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 0011 312e 322e 3834 .1.2.1@...1.2.84
  0x05b0: 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 3220 0000 4f23 0.10008.1.2...O#
  0x05c0: 0000 0030 0000 1b31 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 ...0...1.2.840.1
  0x05d0: 3030 3038 2e35 2e31 2e34 2e31 2e31 2e34 0008.
  0x05e0: 2e31 4000 0013 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 .1@...1.2.840.10
  0x05f0: 3030 382e 312e 322e 3140 0000 1131 2e32
  0x0600: 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2000 .840.10008.1.2..
  0x0610: 004f 2500 0000 3000 001b 312e 322e 3834 .O%...0...1.2.84
  0x0620: 302e 3130 3030 382e 352e 312e 342e 312e 0.10008.
  0x0630: 312e 342e 3240 0000 1331 2e32 2e38 3430 1.4.2@...1.2.840
  0x0640: 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 0011 .10008.1.2.1@...
  0x0650: 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 1.2.840.10008.1.
  0x0660: 3220 0000 4f27 0000 0030 0000 1b31 2e32 2...O'...0...1.2
  0x0670: 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e35 2e31 2e34 .840.10008.5.1.4
  0x0680: 2e31 2e31 2e37 2e31 4000 0013 312e 322e .
  0x0690: 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 322e 3140 840.10008.1.2.1@
  0x06a0: 0000 1131 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 ...1.2.840.10008
  0x06b0: 2e31 2e32 2000 004f 2900 0000 3000 001b .1.2...O)...0...
  0x06c0: 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 352e 1.2.840.10008.5.
  0x06d0: 312e 342e 312e 312e 372e 3240 0000 1331
  0x06e0: 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 .2.840.10008.1.2
  0x06f0: 2e31 4000 0011 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 .1@...1.2.840.10
  0x0700: 3030 382e 312e 3220 0000 4f2b 0000 0030 008.1.2...O+...0
  0x0710: 0000 1b31 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 ...1.2.840.10008
  0x0720: 2e35 2e31 2e34 2e31 2e31 2e37 2e33 4000 .
  0x0730: 0013 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e ..1.2.840.10008.
  0x0740: 312e 322e 3140 0000 1131 2e32 2e38 3430 1.2.1@...1.2.840
  0x0750: 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2000 0050 2d00 .10008.1.2...P-.
  0x0760: 0000 3000 001c 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 ..0...1.2.840.10
  0x0770: 3030 382e 352e 312e 342e 312e 312e 3131
  0x0780: 2e31 4000 0013 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 .1@...1.2.840.10
  0x0790: 3030 382e 312e 322e 3140 0000 1131 2e32
  0x07a0: 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2000 .840.10008.1.2..
  0x07b0: 004e 2f00 0000 3000 001a 312e 322e 3834 .N/...0...1.2.84
  0x07c0: 302e 3130 3030 382e 352e 312e 342e 312e 0.10008.
  0x07d0: 312e 3636 4000 0013 312e 322e 3834 302e 1.66@...1.2.840.
  0x07e0: 3130 3030 382e 312e 322e 3140 0000 1131 10008.1.2.1@...1
  0x07f0: 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 .2.840.10008.1.2
  0x0800: 2000 0051 3100 0000 3000 001d 312e 322e ...Q1...0...1.2.
  0x0810: 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 352e 312e 342e 840.10008.5.1.4.
  0x0820: 312e 312e 3838 2e31 3140 0000 1331 2e32
  0x0830: 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2e31 .840.10008.1.2.1
  0x0840: 4000 0011 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 @...1.2.840.1000
  0x0850: 382e 312e 3220 0000 5133 0000 0030 0000 8.1.2...Q3...0..
  0x0860: 1d31 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e35 .1.2.840.10008.5
  0x0870: 2e31 2e34 2e31 2e31 2e38 382e 3232 4000 .
  0x0880: 0013 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e ..1.2.840.10008.
  0x0890: 312e 322e 3140 0000 1131 2e32 2e38 3430 1.2.1@...1.2.840
  0x08a0: 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2000 0051 3500 .10008.1.2...Q5.
  0x08b0: 0000 3000 001d 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 ..0...1.2.840.10
  0x08c0: 3030 382e 352e 312e 342e 312e 312e 3838
  0x08d0: 2e35 3940 0000 1331 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 .59@...1.2.840.1
  0x08e0: 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 0011 312e 0008.1.2.1@...1.
  0x08f0: 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 3220 2.840.10008.1.2.
  0x0900: 0000 5137 0000 0030 0000 1d31 2e32 2e38 ..Q7...0...1.2.8
  0x0910: 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e35 2e31 2e34 2e31 40.10008.
  0x0920: 2e31 2e31 3034 2e31 4000 0013 312e 322e .1.104.1@...1.2.
  0x0930: 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 322e 3140 840.10008.1.2.1@
  0x0940: 0000 1131 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 3038 ...1.2.840.10008
  0x0950: 2e31 2e32 2000 0050 3900 0000 3000 001c .1.2...P9...0...
  0x0960: 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 352e 1.2.840.10008.5.
  0x0970: 312e 342e 312e 312e 3636 2e31 4000 0013
  0x0980: 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 1.2.840.10008.1.
  0x0990: 322e 3140 0000 1131 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 2.1@...1.2.840.1
  0x09a0: 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2000 0050 3b00 0000 0008.1.2...P;...
  0x09b0: 3000 001c 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 0...1.2.840.1000
  0x09c0: 382e 352e 312e 342e 312e 312e 3636 2e34
  0x09d0: 4000 0013 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 @...1.2.840.1000
  0x09e0: 382e 312e 322e 3140 0000 1131 2e32 2e38
  0x09f0: 3430 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2000 004f 40.10008.1.2...O
  0x0a00: 3d00 0000 3000 001b 312e 322e 3834 302e =...0...1.2.840.
  0x0a10: 3130 3030 382e 352e 312e 342e 312e 312e 10008.
  0x0a20: 3132 3840 0000 1331 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 128@...1.2.840.1
  0x0a30: 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 0011 312e 0008.1.2.1@...1.
  0x0a40: 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 3220 2.840.10008.1.2.
  0x0a50: 0000 4a3f 0000 0030 0000 1631 2e33 2e34 ..J?...0...1.3.4
  0x0a60: 362e 3637 3035 3839 2e32 2e31 312e 312e 6.670589.2.11.1.
  0x0a70: 3140 0000 1331 2e32 2e38 3430 2e31 3030 1@...1.2.840.100
  0x0a80: 3038 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 0011 312e 322e
  0x0a90: 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 3220 0000 840.10008.1.2...
  0x0aa0: 5041 0000 0030 0000 1c31 2e32 2e38 3430 PA...0...1.2.840
  0x0ab0: 2e31 3030 3038 2e35 2e31 2e34 2e31 2e31 .10008.
  0x0ac0: 2e31 322e 3140 0000 1331 2e32 2e38 3430 .12.1@...1.2.840
  0x0ad0: 2e31 3030 3038 2e31 2e32 2e31 4000 0011 .10008.1.2.1@...
  0x0ae0: 312e 322e 3834 302e 3130 3030 382e 312e 1.2.840.10008.1.
  0x0af0: 3250 0000 3951 0000 0400 0080 0052 0000 2P..9Q.......R..
  0x0b00: 1a31 2e33 2e34 362e 3637 3035 3839 2e31 .
  0x0b10: 342e 3130 3030 302e 3130 3755 0000 0f45 4.10000.107U...E
  0x0b20: 5049 512d 4146 4649 4e5f 312e 3037 PIQ-AFFIN_1.07
13:52:37.331252 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 40) > tcp 0
  0x0000: 4500 0028 0000 4000 4006 e00d c0a8 6cb2 E..(..@.@.....l.
  0x0010: c0a8 6cbf 1092 c5da d1ab 291a 0000 0000 ..l.......).....
  0x0020: 5004 0000 83eb 0000 P.......

--- Orthanc.log
May 16 13:53:56 29SGXJ2 orthanc: I0516 13:53:56.423233 CommandDispatcher.cpp:490] Association Received from AET on IP
May 16 13:53:56 29SGXJ2 orthanc: I0516 13:53:56.423265 CommandDispatcher.cpp:619] Association Rejected: Bad Application Context Name:
May 16 13:53:56 29SGXJ2 orthanc: I0516 13:53:56.423272 CommandDispatcher.cpp:623] DUL Finite State Machine Error: No action defined, state 1 event 7

We'd like to try to reproduce this exactly. Although we can indeed see
the AET in the ASCII dump, it is a little difficult to figure out in
which context it appears.

Can you send a full packet capture? This would help tremendously in
simulating the same request and figure out what's wrong.

You can capture packets in such a format with:

$ tcpdump -w disappearing-aet.pcap ...

Hi Thibault,

the technician has already gone and we work remote and would have to travel to this customer now to rerun and record as required. Do you see a chance to work with what I have sent?

i think its a complete tcpdump of what the G70 has sent in its C-ECHO verification run.



I actually searched for tooling to convert text dumps to pcap before
asking you but couldn't find any. If the hexdump is complete we can
probably work something out indeed. No promises right now though (but
the issue you outline is very intriguing, we really wish to see it

I actually searched for tooling to convert text dumps to pcap before
asking you but couldn't find any. If the hexdump is complete we can
probably work something out indeed. No promises right now though (but
the issue you outline is very intriguing, we really wish to see it
Thibault Nélis

Hi Thibault,

please let me know if you was able to work with what I sent. If not, I plan a visit there next week and try to record the tcpdump as required. I am also keen to get this modality working there because it is brand new and probably showing up more frequently for all of us in the future

best Torsten

Not yet (mostly prioritization issues, we haven't had the chance to
really try). I suggest you do try to get the capture in the pcap format
unless we report some success before then. Thanks a lot!

It seems your AET is empty. Can you check ?

Hi, had a similar issue with my Philips IU22 discussed here. I thougt, it was a problem with building Orthanc on Linux Mint. When installing older version from repository, the issue was gone. Did you build orthanc?

yes, we built Orthanc 1.2 on CentOS 6
using an old Orthanc version is not a solution for us because we need most recent fixes like the correct encoding in C-Find