Patient/Studies relationship question

Can someone kindly tell me on what basis Orthanc decides whether two or more studies belong to the same patient and will fetch them together when a patients studies are requested ? Is it simply the Patiend ID(entered by technician on the modality at time of study or supplied by HIS via MWL to the modality) field that’s used for this ? What if Patiend ID of two studies is the same but Patient Names are different ?


Can someone kindly tell me on what basis Orthanc decides whether two
or more studies belong to the same patient and will fetch them
together when a patients studies are requested ? Is it simply the
Patiend ID(entered by technician on the modality at time of study or
supplied by HIS via MWL to the modality) field that's used for this ?
What if Patiend ID of two studies is the same but Patient Names are
different ?

Orthanc assigns various identifiers for DICOM resources, then indeed
simply lumps them together within hierarchical views.

When it comes to the patient resources, only the patient ID is

I attract your attention to this paragraph:

"The patient-level identifiers are not guaranteed to be globally
unique, and might collide between different hospitals. For this reason,
you should always do queries at the study level as soon as you deal
with an application that handles patients from different hospitals."

You can however use a "gateway" application to do data reconciliation
before importing the instances of a study in your archive.

[1] Orthanc identifiers — Orthanc Book documentation

Thanks for the the quick response.