I’m new in the group and I want to know if Orthanc support (both store and display) the following SOP classes/study types:
DICOM PDF encapsulated
RT (radiotherapy) , if so what SOPs
KO (Key objects)
PS (presentation states)
SR (structure reports) including viewing
I know that Weasis support all of them but I don’t know if the Orthanc backend supports them and if someone tested Weasis with Orthanc.
Hi Diego,
Please check this page: http://book.orthanc-server.com/faq/supported-images.html
Also note that Orthanc implements the “store” and the WebViewer plugins implements the “display”. As far as the Osimis Viewer is concerned, it is able to display standard DICOM images and encapsulated PDF (check the full list here: http://viewer-pro.osimis.io/osimis-viewer/app/images/Osimis%20Web%20Viewer%20Pro%20Documentation.pdf)