Orthanc Integration with Canon CxDI NE software version 2.16.

Dear Sébastien,

I am working on Orthanc Integration with Canon CxDI NE software in my office (Company named PROGNOSYS Healthcare) and need your help in solving the issue I am facing currently. I am new to DICOM and Orthanc, please bear with me if I am asking a stupid question. Below is the query:

1st Issue:

The requirement is to integrate the Canon CXDI NE software with Prognosys EHR so that

· There is a seamless modality worklist integration between Prognosys EHR and the DR modality (Canon CXDI NE software) - MWL

· There is a seamless update of status values for the studies in the worklist (MPPS) to be reflected in the Prognosys EHR.

There is a transfer of the studies/images of the studies from the modality to Prognosys EHR

To enable DICOM communication between Prognosys EHR and NE software, we have used ORTHANC DICOM server to act as the SCP (Storage Class Provider). So the communication between Prognosys EHR and NE software happens via the intermediate DICOM server, in this case – ORTHANC.

To check this integration, we downloaded a sample worklist file (attached in the mail) and used it. But we are getting the following error in the Canon software. I am able to get the worklists from findscu command of the DCMTK, but the worklist is not showing up in the Canon software. I am aware that this issue may not be because of Orthanc, but may be because the worklist might contain some invalid statement. However, I have attached the work list file and the Canon software Conformance document, please let me know if anythng needs toi be fixed in Orthanc configuration.

Error for getting worklist from the Orthanc server to Canon:

Error Details (Error Code = E040500004)

Category: ERROR


Invalid studies contained in the acquired data are not displayed. Check the data identical to the acquired ones on the RIS database, etc.

Additional Information:

1 studies not received correctly.

2nd Issue:

To check the storage integration, we sent some sample DICOM images from CxDI NE software to ORTHANC DICOM server. We received the images in the DICOM server and were able to successfully view them, however, we got the following error in CxDI NE Software:

Error while sending Images to SCP from Canon:

Category: ERROR


Association negotiation failed. There may be a problem in the settings of the system or that of the other communication party. Check the setting information.

Additional Information:


(abstract-syntax-not supported [provider rejection])

Orthanc DICOM Confirmance Statement.txt (16.5 KB)



SampWL.txt (1.14 KB)


I highlight two excerpts from your message:

  • “I am able to get the worklists from findscu command of the DCMTK, but the worklist is not showing up in the Canon software.”

  • “We received the images in the DICOM server and were able to successfully view them, however, we got the following error in CxDI NE Software.”
    These two sentences indicate that the issue is not related to Orthanc, but lies within the Canon software.

Please get in touch with your commercial support at Canon. You pay them to solve such interoperability issues. If there is a problem within Orthanc, the support team from Canon will be able to review and provide us with patches, as Orthanc is free and open-source software, and we’ll happily merge these patches into our code base.



I’m having the same problem, were you able to find a solution for it? Thanks.

wadrythm - I am currently supporting a customer with the same issue. Where you able to find a solution for the problem you can share?

We found the root cause to be a missing TAG’s.
Study Instance UID [0020,000D]
Schedule Procedure Step ID [0040,0009]