Orthanc indexes with PG


I’m using Docker and I successfully created a sandbox with:

  • osimis/orthanc:20.9.5
  • postgres:12.3

I want to pass from file-system index to postgres index, so:

  • conf.json with postgres configuration is created

Here the problem:
all info/images stored in file-system before postgres which are indexed in index, index-shm and index-wal, are not shown in web viewer, no studies etc are available.

How can I migrate indexes from file to db?

Thank you

Hi Paolo,

There’s no automatic migration from SQLite to PG. Basically, you’ll have to start another Orthanc, copy all studies from one to the other and shutdown the original one.

More info here: https://book.orthanc-server.com/users/replication.html

Best regards,


If you want to reindex OrthancStorage you have to do some workaround.
You can’t just run ImportDicomFiles.py
becaue it will duplicate all stored DICOM and JSON in OrthancStorage.

Dangerous solution is modify ImportDicomFiles.py to delete source file after upload.

вторник, 22 сентября 2020 г. в 23:09:38 UTC+7, a...@osimis.io:

Thank you all!

I’ll keep in mind for future, so I think to continue with default indexing for existing servers while PG for new ones.

Best Regards
