We are currently trying to solve an issue with Orthanc & Onis Viewer. The Problem is that Onis shows an empty Query when doing a Query to Orthanc.
In this clinic, they have, in the past, previously bought multiple Onis Licenses and they would like to keep using Onis for the time being (or until a alternative appears that works as good or better than Onis).
Right now, I have installed Orthanc in a QNAP NAS (through the App Center) and did the configurations in the .json file. I added the Onis DICOM Parameters under Network topology and I can do a successful ECHO. I can also Verify the Onis from Horos and Verify works.
I can Query & Retrieve Images in Horos from Onis. I can attempt a Query to Orthanc, but its Empty.
I thought the issue might be related to the fourth parameter that is available to enable patches for specific PACS manufacturers, but I already tried them all and it still shows an empty Query.
I’ve seen some LUA Scripts that can print out some details about the query, but I don’t know how to save them and see the output in QNAP.
I’m probably doing things wrong, but this is what I have done with the LUA Scripts:
I saved this in Notepad:
function IncomingFindRequestFilter(query, origin)
– First display the content of the C-Find query
– Remove the “PrivateCreator” tag from the query
local v = query
v[‘5555,0010’] = nil
return v
Saved it as “IncomingFindRequestFilter.lua” (and made sure it was not “IncomingFindRequestFilter.lua.txt”).
Saved it inside OrthancDB folder in a new folder called Scripts (OrthancDB\Scripts\IncomingFindRequestFilter.lua).
In Configuration.json, I added this:
“LuaScripts” : [“\Scripts\IncomingFindRequestFilter.lua”],
Orthanc is not starting up.
If I have anything in LuaScripts, the Orthanc fails to start.
What is the proper way to add Scripts to Orthanc in QNAP?
Also, this doesn’t solve my main issue in that the query is blank with 0 results in Onis.
But, from what I’m reading, it seems that LuaScripts is the answer to solving this issue.
Any information/help is appreciated.