Orthanc Explorer 2 v1.5.0 & authorization plugin 0.8.0

Hi everyone,

The Orthanc Explorer 2 plugin has been updated to version 1.5.0 . It now features a UI to edit the user permissions in case you are running it together with the orthanc-auth-service + a few minor fixes.

The Authorization plugin has been updated to v 0.8.0 to enable user permissions edition too.

As usual, these updates are available:

If you are not using the orthanc-auth-service, there is no need to upgrade.

Enjoy !


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i have a two part question.

Firstly, Thanks for the update and the great work. However, I experienced a black login page ( image attached bellow) when I updated all containers of this setup including authentication container image to version 24.7.0 latest setup. If i revert the authentication container back to 24.6.1 everything works perfectly fine. Is there something missing ? Am using this setup.

Secondly, about this previous question PDF not displaying i noticed a fix has been done and tested here by Alain. Please is this part of the current ohif update? if what do I need to do to have this fixed. Am using the authentication setup referenced above.

I confirm there is an issue when the auth-service is not configured to enable UI permissions (when KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET is not configured). I’ll update OE2 and the auth-plugin.

For the PDF, I’ll check if that works now.

Ok great

Once again thanks for all the good work.

I have just released new versions of the plugins.

Concerning the PDF in OHIF, I have updated the issue in the OHIF issue tracker.